Make a Food Donation
No matter the amount, every donation makes a difference. Thank you for your support!
There are many ways to help hungry people in your community. Buy an extra can of soup, a jar of peanut butter or any other items from our Shopping List below. We will accept any of these donations. All you have to do is use the donation bin wherever you buy your groceries or drop off your donation at our office (21 Mews Place, St. John's), at our warehouse (66 Pippy Place, St. John's), or at any of the food banks across the province.
Shopping List
Canned Soup & Stew
Peanut Butter
Canned Beans
Macaroni & Cheese
Dried Pasta, Noodles & Rice
Pasta Sauce
Canned Meat & Fish
Beans & Legumes
Canned Vegetables & Fruit
Canned/Powdered Milk
Breakfast Cereal
Baking Supplies
For every $10 donated we distribute $205 worth of donated food.
So no matter the amount, every donation makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

Donate Your Service
Bring your skills and expertise to us by helping with one of our programs or donating items like: office supplies, fuel certificates, warehouse equipment, or items for building and vehicle maintenance.
Contact us at (709) 722-0130 or send us an email at cfsa@nl.rogers.com to get more information.

Your Next Big Event
We would be honoured to attend.
Invite us to be part of your special event. You can choose to donate a portion of admission, snack sales, or hold a special silent auction, raffle or 50/50 draw on our behalf.
Contact us at (709) 722-0130 or send us an email at cfsa@nl.rogers.com to get more information.

Organize a Food Drive
Collecting food on our behalf is a great way to help.
Check with your co-workers or fellow students to see if they are interested in bringing a donation to your place of work or your classroom.
Check with your neighbors or co-workers or ask party guests to bring a donation to your special event. Perhaps you could make it a regular event: once a month, once a season, whatever is most convenient for you.
Contact us at (709) 722-0130 or send us an email at cfsa@nl.rogers.com to get more information.

Leave a Legacy
Every day Newfoundlanders and Labradorians generously give money, food, and time to support our food banks. But many people are unaware that by making a gift to the Community Food Sharing Association in their will or estate plan, they can continue to help people in need. And there are significant tax benefits to these gifts.
Leaving a Legacy provides a unique opportunity for you to support the Community Food Sharing Association and make a difference in the lives of people who suffer from hunger in Newfoundland and Labrador.
For more information on making a gift in your will or estate plan to the Community Food Sharing Association please contact Tina Bishop, General Manager, CFSA at (709) 722-0130.

In Honour of Someone
A donation in the name of someone you want to honour can be a very special gift: whether it is for a birthday, an anniversary, retirement or in memory of someone deceased.
Contact us at (709) 722-0130 or send us an email at cfsa@nl.rogers.com to get more information.